Monday, May 14, 2018

OUGD602 Evaluation

This has been one of the most important years for me in terms of both learning and developing my practice. For the first two years I felt like I was just creating work to get a grade. This year however has seen me develop my idea of myself (without sounding corny). I learnt to take pride in the work that I produce and be more confident with my skill set as it was an issue for the first two years where I found myself feeling like my work wasn’t good enough or thought that the standard that I was working at was subpar to others on the course. With working on self-initiated projects and collaborating with both people from Uni and creatives currently within the industry, I built up my confidence in my work and relighted my passion for Graphic Design.

Having worked on my self-branding and really pushing the development of my online has really helped me with becoming part of the creative industry. Working on the Making London brief and collaborating with both Dylan and Studios within in the industry has made me, In my eyes, a better practitioner in terms of both the work I produce and how I interact with the industry.

All in all, this year has been the biggest year for myself in terms of my personal and professional practice and has made me feel ready to enter the real world after uni. Just have to wait to see what grades come through at graduation.

Sunday, May 13, 2018

OUGD602 Creative Convos: Pop up studio

OUGD602 Sending Pysical work to get seen

Pixel Transformers

For the Pixel Transformer project I’ve been working on I have a lot of outcomes that I haven’t done anything with.  To make sure this project gets seen by the public I have planned a few ways to get my work out there.

After speaking with Alec about my project, he suggested sending off to Hasbro Creative Marketing team either by post or email and see if they would like to do anything with this or give their opinions on what I have made so far.

The target audience for this would be the Transformers community who have a very large on line presence.  To make sure I can get this project seen by most of this community, I have pinpointed some of the largest accounts and people with the highest following,  These consist of TF Nation which is a convention for Transformers fans held in the UK.  Kapow and TF Source which are on line forums and shops for Transformers Merch.  Some of the biggest followings are for Transformers Toy Reviewers on the likes of Youtube, such as Thew, Peugh, Emgo plus many more who frequently promote work to the community.

To make something physical to send across I created a poster based on all the characters from the 1986 movie in order of appearances that showcase a large amount of the Transformers pixels I’ve made.  I have printed them off on A2 and put them in poster tubes which I have sent off to 6 of these influential events and personalities within the community.  I hope to hear something from them soon.

OUGD602 Contacted Various studios

OUGD602 Career Track Tuesdays

OUGD602 Start Up Wednesdays

OUGD602 Self Branding Presentation


I was first up for the Friday presentation group which can be quite nerve wreaking but thanks to doing quite a few presentations over the three years I’ve been at Uni and being the Student Rep for the second year, I found my nerves have calmed a lot more when it comes to giving presentations.  Personally, I think it went really well.  I was able to say everything I wanted to say about my time here at uni and the main highlights of this year, all while being 10 minutes to the dot.  I received good feedback from both tutors, Alec and Pete, which helped calm my nerves about the looming PPP grade.  It was also great to see all the different journeys everyone has been on in my course and the practices they’ve developed.